The journey into motherhood is a mythic transformation. Not only your body but your heart and mind undergo a profound expansion.

Our culture still often underplays the depth and power of this initiation, convinced it’s about nursery color schemes and buying the right breast pump. Whether entered into through adoption or pregnancy and childbirth, mothering is so much more. A connection to life force itself. A love beyond what you’d imagined possible. These maternity, newborn and mother child photo sessions bear witness to the wild, fleeting beauty of this vital moment in your life.

“I can’t thank you enough for the newborn pictures of Birdie. Those early days are such a foggy haze and my memory of her then is so malleable, it’s really special to have these images. What an amazing gift to have of my daughter. Thank you for your patience as we waited for Birdie to call the shots during the session.”

We offer packages that include the trinity, pregnancy photos, newborn photos and one year old photo sessions.

Words on this page were written by the beautiful writer, artist and mother, Sara Kowalski. Find more of her @sarahtarrkowalski

